Saturday, February 15, 2025

Magic Kingdom and Epcot

This week some friends from Wisconsin were in town so Susan and I took them to the parks. Thursday morning we went to Magic Kingdom. We did a few rides in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland, then had lunch at Pinocchio Village Haus. Susan and I then headed out while they stayed to enjoy the park. 
Friday morning we got them into Epcot. We rode Spaceship Earth, then while they explored World Nature Susan and I headed back to the Showcase to look at the art booths again.
Even though the Festival of the Arts was still going on, some of the topiaries for Flower and Garden had already been installed. We had lunch at Regal Eagle, then headed home. 
This afternoon while I worked, Jenn and Susan did an author signing at a brewpub in Apopka.

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