Sunday, August 18, 2013

Harmony Assembly

For almost six months, we’ve been working hard on opening a new Rainbow Assembly in Tigard. Once Jennifer was back from England, that work paid off. Yesterday morning, Harmony Assembly, sponsored by Tigard Lodge, was instituted. After that, the Grand Officers of Oregon Rainbow initiated 9 girls into Rainbow.
In the afternoon, thirteen members of Harmony Assembly were installed into office, with Jennifer as the first Worthy Advisor.
Her installation and term theme is Toy Story.

Friday, August 2, 2013


During her last two weeks of study abroad, Jennifer was able to make several side trips. She visited Dover and Canterbury.
She also went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour.
 The programs last trip was out to Stonehenge.
They also visited the Roman Baths at Bath.
Here the group poses for its last picture.