Thursday, February 28, 2019

Florida Residents

When not working, Jenn enjoys visiting the parks. She usually wears outfits inspired by Disney characters. For Valentines Day, she went into Magic Kingdom to meet some of the Princesses with their Princes. 
She also spent time at Epcot checking out the Festival of the Arts, and hung out in the DVC lounge in the Imagination pavilion. 
Last week we closed on the house and last Friday was my last day at ODOT. I drove my truck to the barn and got a ride to the airport, then flew out to Florida. 
Yesterday we spent another day at Sea World. We checked out the new Penguin Ride, a trackless dark ride. It's cute, but nowhere near a Disney ride, or even most of Universal's.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Moonlight Magic at Magic Kingdom

Near the beginning of this month, we got an offer on the house, so I began packing what was left in the house, put it in storage, and gave notice at work. While I was working and emptying the house, Susan and Jenn attended two DVC Moonlight Magic events at Magic Kingdom. 
They got a free dinner compliments of the Disney Vacation Club, then got to stay in the park for three hours after the park closed to most guests. They enjoyed free snacks, short waits for rides, and meeting unusual characters.
Finally they watched a special fireworks show from the train station.
Last night they attended a second event, but this time they spent much of their time waiting to meet Megara from Hercules, as well as Pain and Panic.