Monday, November 26, 2012

Nor Cal

Thanksgiving weekend, we attended the annual convention of Northern California DeMolay. We drove down to Sacramento on Thursday and joined other out-of-state guests and the Nor Cal Jurisdictional Staff and Officers for a Thanksgiving dinner, after which Bryan and Jennifer went bowling with other Jurisdictional officers.
An informal opening was held on Friday. Bryan and Jennifer were introduced with the other JO's. Friday night was a banquet honoring the heads of all the Masonic groups in California.
Saturday's luncheon featured Sweethearts and Princesses. Jennifer sat in the East and was introduced.
Saturday night was the banquet honoring Master Councilors. Along with other visiting Jurisdictional MC's, Bryan gave a speech.
On Sunday we attended the installation of the officers for the next term. Bryan and Jennifer posed for pictures with the new officers and the other visiting JO's, then we headed back to Oregon.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

DeMolay Conference and Rainbow OV

This weekend, Bryan flew to Las Vegas Nevada to attend a DeMolay International Leadership Conference. The rest of us went to the Official Visit and Grand Officer Reception for Jennifer's Rainbow District - Metro East. As Worthy Advisor of one of the Assemblies in the District, Jennifer presided over part of the event.   
The Assemblies performed the Ceremony of Color for the Grand Worthy Advisor and the Supreme Inspector, and Jennifer presented them gifts from her Assembly. 
After the OV, there was a reception for the Grand Officers in the District. Jennifer gave a speech about Fidelity.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Grand Master's Class/Honor's Night

Yesterday, Oregon DeMolay held an initiation honoring the Grand Master. DeMolay from seven different chapters came to take part, and Bryan led the both teams. 
The degrees were held at the Salem Scottish Rite. We initiated seven boys, plus one for Vancouver Washington.
Later that night the Grand Master received the Legion of Honor degree, while Bryan received his Chevalier.
After the ceremonies, the State Officers posed for a picture.