Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grand Assembly & ISC

Thursday night was the formal opening of the Grand Assembly of Oregon Rainbow. 
Friday morning Jennifer gave her report as Grand Representative for California and Virginia. In the afternoon she was appointed to be Grand Fidelity of Oregon Rainbow for the next year.
While at ISC, Bryan was elected as the Region VIII Cabinet Member. 
Today they were both installed.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grand Chapter & ISC

Last Sunday was the opening of the annual convention of the Grand Chapter of Oregon Eastern Star. Susan drove the kids out to Pendleton, and Bryan addressed the members at opening.
Bryan then headed to Louisville Kentucky for the annual convention of the International Supreme Council of DeMolay, while we traveled back to Pendleton for the Grand Assembly of Oregon Rainbow.
The first day, Jennifer competed in ritual, then attended the installation of the new Grand officers of Oregon Eastern Star.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Today Jennifer graduated from High School. She was Number 3 in her class, and appeared on the 11 o' clock news. The ceremony was held at the Portland Convention center.
Thursday night we attended the installation of the Supreme Temple of the Daughters of the Nile, a Masonic Order for women dedicated to supporting the Shriners Hospital.  This year the annual convention was in Portland because the incoming Supreme Queen is from Oregon.
Last week Bryan completed his Eagle Scout project. He made bookshelves for a local hospital's family waiting room and filled them with donated books.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Grand Lodge

Thursday was the opening of the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. This year it was held in Seaside, so we drove over Wednesday night. During the public opening, Bryan gave remarks as the representative of Oregon DeMolay.
After opening, he and Jennifer posed for a picture with the Grand Master and the other youth group leaders. Then all the youth hung out in Seaside.
On Friday the new Grand Master was installed.  Bryan and Jennifer presented him with a gift from Oregon DeMolay. 
Then they took another group picture.