Thursday, March 29, 2012

California Beach Trip

Saturday the three Assemblies in Jennifer's Rainbow District held their Official Visit. As one of the Worthy Advisors, Jennifer presided over the opening and introductions. The Assemblies performed a special ceremony and presented gifts to the Supreme Inspector and Grand Worthy Advisor. The theme was a Day at the Beach.
Immediately following the OV was a reception for the Grand Officers of the District. Each Grand Officer gave a speech, so Jennifer spoke about her trips to California.
Earlier this week, Susan and Jennifer headed down to the central coast of California for a fun trip before attending California Rainbow's Grand Assembly.
They stopped at the Jelly Belly factory for a tour. Bryan, meanwhile, boarded a plane for Boise tonight to attend Idaho DeMolay's Conclave.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

DeMolay Installations

Friday night, Tigard Chapter held their spring installation.Jennifer and Katie made desserts. Yesterday, they traveled to Corvallis for a Rainbow Official Visit.
Last night, Bryan was Installing Officer for Pacific Chapter in Forest Grove.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Grand Court Amaranth

Last Saturday was the annual Statewide Initiation, sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Members of all three Masonic youth groups gathered in Salem to hold initiations followed by a joint talent show and dance.
On Sunday we attended a Table Lodge with the Grand Master, some of his officers, and members of DeMolay.On Thursday, Bryan performed the flower talk at the opening of Grand Court for Oregon Amaranth. Last night, he presented the new Grand Royal Matron and Patron gifts, and introduced his new State Officers.