Friday, May 29, 2009

Eagle Scout dinner

Last Saturday evening, Bethel 11 held a chicken cordon bleu fundraiser dinner. About three dozen people enjoyed the dinner.
At Tuesday night's regular meeting, Bethel 11 was pleased to welcome Miss Wisconsin Job's Daughter, who was visiting family in Bend.
Last night the Bethel helped with our Lodge's annual Eagle Scout dinner, which honors all the Boy Scouts in our area who achieved the rank of Eagle during the year.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Bryan and I couldn’t attend the Bend Lodge celebration because we were in Eugene for the annual convention of Oregon DeMolay, or Conclave. On Friday afternoon the boys played sports at a nearby school. Saturday morning the boys performed the formal opening at Eugene Lodge. Bryan served as Marshal. 
We stayed at the Eugene Holiday Inn. Saturday afternoon the boys competed in ritual, then had a luau dinner.  After dinner they gave out awards, then had a dance.  Today was the installation of State Officers. Jennifer and Susan joined me to watch Bryan get installed as State Marshal.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bend Lodge Centennial

Two weeks ago Sunday, we attended the reception for Miss Oregon Job's Daughters at the Shrine Center in Wilsonville.
Last Saturday, the girls of Bethel 11 attended the installation of our local Amaranth court. They performed the closing cross.
Today, Bend Lodge celebrated its hundredth anniversary. The Grandmaster and some of his officers came to Bend to perform a ceremony. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Boy Scout Hikes

Last month, Bryan and I hiked up Alder Creek north of Bend with some of his Boy Scout troop, to where it joins the Deschutes near Lake Billy Chinook.
This weekend, we hiked up the Metolius near Sisters.  
It was a backpacking trip. We camped by the river, and then hiked back this morning.