Saturday, March 28, 2009

Grand Bethel Weekend

Today Jennifer attended Grand Bethel weekend. In the afternoon, the girls held their meeting, and elected the next year's Grand Bethel Honored Queen. In the evening, the Grand Bethel officers performed a majority ceremony. Jennifer was Fifth Messenger.
The members of the Supreme Ritual Team were then announced, and Jennifer was again chosen to represent Oregon at the ritual competition at Supreme Session, this time as Second Messenger.
After the meeting was a reception for the Grand Bethel. Jennifer presented the GBHQ with a "Supergirl" cape.
Thanks to Irv for the above picture.

Supreme Reception

Last night, Jennifer was honored, along with other members of Oregon's Supreme team, at a Reception at Friendship Lodge in Portland. The Supreme Guardian was in attendence as well as our Daughter Supreme Representatives, Supreme Bethel Chaplain, and Supreme Chaplain and Board member enjoyed an ice cream social and were presented with gifts.
Three other daughters from Bethel 11 also attended the reception. They helped serve ice cream.
And presented Jennifer with a gift.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Last Monday, Jennifer went to Tigard to help Bethel 66 initiate a new member. She filled in as Junior Princess.
I still try to attend Bend Lodge whenever I can. Last weekend I helped with an Entered Apprentice Degree.
Tonight Susan took Jennifer and two other girls from Bethel 11 to Lebanon for a Rainbow meeting. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Statewide Initiation

This weekend, we attended the annual DJR (DeMolay-Job's Daughters -Rainbow) Initiation Day in Eugene. We took Bryan and another boy from Pilgrim Chapter, and Jennifer and a couple of girls from Bethel 11.
Bryan performed Fifth Preceptor and a Templar prisoner in the DeMolay degree, while Jennifer was Fifth Messenger for the Bethel initiation.
After the ceremonies, the kids enjoyed a dance and talent show.