This afternoon Bethel 11 held a special meeting to initiate a new member. We were hoping to have some help from some other Bethels, but nobody was able to make it, and one of our girls was sick, so with only a half dozen Daughters present, each had to do multiple parts. The girls pulled it off very well, and were happy to welcome our new member.
Last Monday, Jennifer and I attended a meeting of Bethel
43 in Salem. They were supposed to do initiation, but the girl didn't show. We
stayed for dessert and visited with the Bethel. It was a lot of fun, and
two girls from Bethel 1 in Portland showed up to help too. Jennifer filled in as Senior
Princess. Bethel 43 is growing, and has a lot of young girls, but so
far no line officers. During the meeting almost all the stations were filled.
Earlier this month Bryan helped one of the scouts in his troop with his Eagle Scout project. They built bunks for a homeless shelter.