Monday, August 25, 2008

Malheur Cave Degree

This weekend I attended the annual cave degree. This event, held at the Malheur Cave about an hour southwest of Burns, is hosted by the Burns Lodge. 
Hundreds of Masons from all around Oregon come to the cave to camp and eat and watch a Master Mason degree. It was great fun and fellowship.
Tonight Bryan’s Boy Scout troop held a Court of Honor. Bryan was presented with several merit badges he had earned.

Monday, August 18, 2008

DLC & Council Installation

As soon as Susan and Jennifer were back from Supreme, Bryan spent a week at DeMolay Leadership Conference. This year it was again held at a 4H camp near Salem. 
On Saturday Bethel 11 had a special meeting to install some of our executive Bethel Guardian Council. Since it was a weekend in the summer, turnout was pretty small, but we got important work done.

After the Bethel Meeting we had a Council meeting, where we talked about updating our budget and standing rules, and upcoming events.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Supreme Session Days 6 & 7

Yesterday Jennifer was installed as a Supreme Bethel officer.
Three other girls from Oregon also were chosen to be Supreme Bethel officers - Chaplain and Reps to Kansas and West Virginia, and one of our Past Grand Guardians was appointed to be Chaplain of the Supreme Guardian Council.
After the Installation, Jennifer visited with her friends from Bethel 14 in Pleasanton, California.
On the last day of Supreme Session, Jennifer visited with the new Supreme Bethel Honored Queen and Miss International and attended the Installation of the Supreme Guardian Council.
She then said goodbye to last year's Supreme Guardian and drove to the airport for her flight back to Oregon.