Thursday, February 7, 2008

Supreme Visitation & Reception

On Monday, the Supreme Guardian, Supreme Associate Guardian and Supreme Bethel Honored Queen, along with Miss International Job's Daughters, arrived for their visit to Oregon. We took Jennifer over the pass to Beaverton for a joint meeting with Bethels 1 & 20. Above is a picture of her with the Associate Guardian of Oregon, the Supreme Associate Guardian, and Supreme Bethel Honored Queen, as well as some of the Daughters of Bethels 1 and 20. The Supreme Guardian and Miss International were attending another joint meeting in Portland.
Yesterday, we stopped on our way to the Supreme Reception in Oregon City to tour the State Capitol. We were surprised to meet the Supreme Guardian and Supreme Associate Guardian there, along with members of the Oregon Grand Council. Here is a picture of Jennifer with the Supreme Guardian, our Grand Guardian, and their Associates, in front of the seal of Oregon.
Last night, we attended the Supreme Dinner and Reception at Multnomah Lodge No. 1 in Oregon City.  During the ceremony, Jennifer carried in the Oregon flag.
The reception was to honor the visiting Supreme Officers, as well as Supreme Officers from Oregon. Jennifer presented homemade candies to all of the honorees. This year's Supreme Fifth Messenger is a Past Grand Guardian of Oregon. She was very excited to receive some of Jennifer's shortbread.
At the end of the ceremony, the Grand Bethel performed the closing cross.